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Thank you for your partnership in ministry with us. We're so grateful for the financial gifts given to allow us to continue the work of accomplishing God's mission and vision for our church. Please know your generous giving is making a difference for the glory of God at our church.



Giving is an act of worship and obedience from a heart surrendered to Christ ... a choice we make to follow God's instruction for us. The church doesn't need anything from you. We want something for you. God certainly doesn't need anything from us, it's all His anyway.  We give out of our need to act on our faith. 


You can sow a seed... and see what God can do with your the hands and feet of Jesus Christ-from your home to a neighbor home...making giving easily and securely online.


You can sow a seed... and see what God can do with your the hands and feet of Jesus Christ-from your home to a neighbor home...making giving easily and securely online.

Give Online

Give On sunday

Give by mail

Give Now

Using either the Venmo App or logging into your Venmo account, you can search for FCDOC or Freedom Choice Disciples of Christ, you will see the church logo to securely give.

During service, feel free to place your offering in our giving baskets as they are passed during service.

Freedom Choice Disciples of Christ
4300 S Jog Rd #542101
Greenacres, Fl 33454

PayPal Donation

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Zelle Donation

Give Online

Using either the Venmo App or logging into your Venmo account, you can search for FCDOC or Freedom Choice Disciples of Christ, you will see the church logo to securely give.

Give by mail

During service, feel free to place your offering in our giving baskets as they are passed during service.

Freedom Choice Disciples of Christ
4300 S Jog Rd #542101
Greenacres, Fl 33454

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